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Support me in my Peru Fundraising Challenge!
Hello, I am sending this page out to all my family and friends as I am taking part in a fund-raising initiative to raise money for Kids Helpline and I am asking for your help.
For me, making a difference to kids and young people's lives is my true passion. To be able to mentor a young person, no matter what circumstance or upbringing they've had, and to show them what's possible for them in the world.... to have them see that possibility for themselves is something I strive to do regularly.
Kids Helpline is my access to that. Kids Helpline is the only 24 hour 7 day a week free counselling service available to the kids and young people of Australia.
I remember meeting with Marie Bryan, the Corporate Relations Manager when Miranda and I were looking for an organisation to support. We wanted an organisation where every child or young person in Australia could benefit, eg kids with cancer, kids with autism, kids being bullied, kids being abused, kids having challenges at home with parents divorcing, etc - they can all contact Kids Helpline and 100% of the money raised goes directly to providing the services to assist our kids. This organisation is not like a lot of other charitable organisations, their administration (which is minimal to say the least) is not funded from donations received.
When I first met Marie she shared with me the heart breaking statistics in relation to how many children contact Kids Helpline on a daily basis (1 every 60 seconds). Alarmingly, Kids Helpline receives 20 calls a day from young people and children in Australia that are suicide related. At least 3 times each and every day Kids Helpline has to act on an intervention where a child or young person is in immediate harm or danger and requires physical intervention to stop a young person from taking his/her life. For those lucky enough to get through (40% of all calls to Kids Helpline go unanswered) they are walked to wellness by trained counsellors, but what happens to those who don't get through?
Marie also shared a story about a young person with me. This person thankfully knew the number - she took an overdose and called Kids Helpline.... not with the intent to get help, but to have the counsellor tell her parents that "It wasn't their fault that she took her life". Through their network they were able to find out where this young person was and saved another life.
I believe within most people there is the desire to leave the world having made some sort of difference, along the way.
During our lifetime we all have the ability to make a difference and it doesn't matter how big or how small that difference is. It can be working in a soup kitchen, writing a book that changes literally hundreds of thousands of people's lives, it can be caring for the elderly or taking time out just to chat with someone in their time of need... The truth is, we never truly know the ripple effect of any good deed and the beauty is, we don't need or even have to know. When our giving to others comes from a place of no expectation... magic happens, not just for others, but for ourselves.
I have an amazing opportunity, through Inspired Adventures, to trek in Peru this November. I feel honoured to be going with a group of Australians from across the country, and we plan to trek through the Lares Valley, to the lost city of the Incas and part of the challenge is that we commit to raising a least $4,230 per person for Kids Helpline. I want to raise much more than that!
Kids Helpline answer more than 5,500 calls from kids each week sadly, thousands of calls each week go unanswered. My goal and the goal of many others is to change that.
Kids Helpline Australia and in fact all Child Help services around the world should be community owned - after all, our kids belong to us and in a lot of instances, so does their future. I receive emails all the time from young people in Australia and around the world, asking for help, I refer them immediately to these incredible services as they are trained to support, uplift and share with our young people what's possible.
I can’t wait to go on this adventure. I am starting a physical fitness regime in the New Year and I will be sharing my journey to fitness with you all through social media… I can only begin to imagine what standing above the clouds, gazing over "The Lost City" will be like. It has been a dream of mine for so long and now I am doing it and raising money for a charity I love in the process. When I reach this lookout, I’ll be wearing an enormous, proud smile, knowing I’ve just completed this once in a life time opportunity and I've done it for Kids Helpline and I’ve done it with your help.
I would love to have you join me, and you can, but for whatever reason if you can’t, you can share in my journey by sponsoring me. I would love your support. Ideally, it would be wonderful if you could spare $50 or $100 as I want to raise as much money for Kids Helpline as possible - it is pointless raising more awareness without the funding to support the kids who call.
ALL donations you give go straight to Kids Helpline to support the kids of Australia.
To donate and support me, please follow the prompts, and don't forget to leave me a message : )
Sending you much love as always
Kids Helpline
Powered by yourtown, Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, confidential 24/7 support service that protects and safeguards the mental health of children and young people in Australia. We provide young people with a choice of counselling options and accessible self-help tools when and where they need them.
Visit Kidshelpline.com.au for more information.
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